Thursday, June 7, 2007

East Twin Peak Climb

On Thursday Bryan, Will, Joe and I climbed East Twin Peak near Eklutna Lake. We started to the top of the 5873' peak at 1000' and made it to the top in about 4 1/2 hours and 4 miles of hiking. We were the first people to sign the register since last September and it looks like very few people actually get up there each year. Along the way we saw a bunch of dall sheep and watched the dust blowing off the Knik Glacier moraine system. The descent was steeper and more exposed, taking us down the middle of the west face through a narrow gully. We got some awesome views and had a few sketchy sections but overall it was a great climb and we were down by 6:30 eating french fries and ice cream at Rochelle's Ice Cream and General Store. Our route can be found here, drawn in red for the ascent and blue for the descent.

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