Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Parents in Town and Fishing/Glaciers in Seward

Today was one of those great Alaska days when you're just happy be living here. My Parents are in town and we went down to Seward to do some fishing and wildlife/scenery viewing. It was just the five of us, Brook, Joe, my parents, myself, plus our captain Tony. We started off the day heading 45 miles out of Resurrection Bay and made it to one of the glaciers. We actually saw a massive chunk break off just as we were pulling up to it and it created quite the wave. By the end of the trip we had seen the following critters; Humpback whales, Eagles, Puffins, Steller Seals, Black Bear, Seagulls (everyone loves seagulls, right?), and a Sea Otter. We then proceeded to catch 25 Rockfish and 2 Halibut. The fishing only lasted about 2 hours out of the whole day, which was ok because I think we ended up enjoying the other stuff just as much, if not more.

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